Calgon Take Me Away! Is that commercial still on? Anywho-that was a memory from my childhood. I remember those goofy commercials where the woman was drawing the largest bubblebath froth ever seen with her permed hair and fluffy robe saying calgon take me away. So you wonder why this is being blogged about right now right? Well, Kindergarten is back in session. Let me slow that back down for you.
And every year, I wonder why I choose to put myself through kindergarten being back in session.
On day 1 with all of my kindergarten students(another teacher and I are sharing 33 kindergarteners) I was:
1. punching bag punched in the stomach 3 times by a FIVE year old
2. escorting a FIVE year old to the office in a trained hold with my co-teacher and partner in crime
3. told by this very same FIVE year old that he "ain't afraid of nobody"
4. losing my patience as I reminded this FIVE year old that he was just FIVE-slapped my hand on the table in front of him as I slowly said F-I-V-E(yes I do realize that this angry child was not getting my sarcasm but really dude-you are only 5 years old)
5. ducking and covering as a wooden letter U from a puzzle was heaved into the air (by another 5 year old) smashing into the ceiling and quickly bouncing back to try and attack my head
6. tripped up as I was helping another teacher escort a 2nd grader to the office in that same trained hold I mentioned earlier. He was a little bigger-SEVEN years old!
I tripped and fell right on my face into the guidance counselor's office.
You know you are a school teacher when you have a day like mentioned and somehow talk yourself into returning for another day. Now I do not hope this continues in any fashion but I do have to admit that my friend and cohort in this madness and I have some really fun times because all you can do sometimes is laugh. Well after a good cry!!