Just some random thoughts here! I know I am not the only one for all of these but somethimes I wonder????
Am I the only one who........
1. Enjoyed ear candle-ing-Yes I loved it-I loved cutting the candle open and seeing the goodness pulled out. I still would participate if I had any patients!! If you don't know about ear candles-just ask-I am the expert!
2. bakes a cake-thoroughly enjoys a slice-and then leaves it to sit untouched for far too long before scraping it in the trash. Yes I leave it there to haunt my mom and mother-in-law when they watch the girls. I know I am not the only one on this because Nic doesn't eat it either. No-it isn't that the cake is bad!
3. has to count back the days to see if I need to wash my hair or not. No-I do not do that task everyday-sometimes every couple! I would have afro-puff of the year if I washed it everyday!
4. puts lotion on my hair after a fresh wash, dry, and flat iron. Yes lotion-good old Suave! Sorry Jackie!!
5. picks! Not my nose but everything else. Zits, scabs, toe nails, fingernails-you name it! That is gross isn't it? I know my good friend Kristen C. is a picker too so I am not alone-She has to be worse than me!! Sorry girl!
6. checks my breath by smelling in my hand. No I am not the only one-I have seen people doing this one! It is not an adequate test for breath smell!
7. holds up a $10 shirt for myself that I think is really cute and I know would fit and I still take 10 minutes to decide if the purchase is a good choice for me. Why is that? Now if somebody asked me if they should buy that $10 shirt for themselves-I would be all over it. Of course you should buy that great shirt for that great price. Why can't I do that for myself? I need help!
8. goes straight to the children's department in every store-really every store! It has magnetic force on me.
9. wiggles the doorknob multiple times before going to bed to make sure it is locked-multiple times. Nic says, Erin if was locked 5 minutes ago it is still locked. You just never know!!
I learned that one from the best-that is definitely a David (Dad) OCD trait.
10. has to leave food on my plate. I mean even if it is one bite-it messes with me if I don't leave food. Nic says it is more than just food. I don't finish sodas I open, candies, bags of sncaks like goldfish(if there is a small amount of goldfish in one bag and a brand new unopened bag, I have to go for the fresh and leave the old. Something always has to be left.
11. smells like a regular coonhound-no I don't mean I smell like a dog but I have the ability to smell or sniff out things like a dog. I guess a coonhound smells well. I just asked Nic and he just dismissed my question. That is a whole other "am I the only one" thought.
I seriously catch all smells always. I mean I just sniff it out and smells affect me differently than anyone else. I can get sick in an instant because of a smell.
12. makes their husband fast from all onions-they make him smell so bad-back to number 11. I try not to be mean about it and I don't go all nazi on him. we just have an UNDERSTANDING! All you married couples know what I am talking about. The onions don't just make his breath smell-they makehis body stink. I smell onion coming off his arms. He knows I am a pro at sniffing it out. I can tell if he has induldged!
13. talks to their husband-asks many questions-even when you know they aren't listening. I just keep talking-WHY???
You guys-I went to the store last night to get some lat minute items-just down to the local CVS. It was probably 9:30 and I told Nic I was leaving. I got back around 10:00, walked thorugh the front door and Nic just looked at me like I was a ghost. I knew he had no idea I had left. I knew he hadn't even listened to me.
He is rotten sometimes but a sweetheart mostly!!
14. goes to sleep with an agenda in my head for the next day?
15. has a hard time not laughing or smiling when I am not supposed to? That was worse when I was younger!! You can all think of a time in church when the giggles caught you. Unfortunately, I am the worst at this one!!
This is probably enough to get you all thinking! I will have to jot down my quirks and keep this updated!
Leave me a message with some of your quirks if you dare!!!