Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thank You Jesus for Healing my Heart

Gracie had her follow up appointment with the cardiologist today at Children's Hospital because when she was born the doctor detected a heart murmur. She was just 1 day old when our brand new pediatrician came in to the room to tell us that he heard something abnormal with her heart and he was referring her to a cardiologist. I never once felt real fear about this-even with a 1 day old baby. I knew she was going to be just fine. The next day we took her in for all of the testing they needed to do. I knew she was okay but that whole process was quite upsetting. You see your little sweet thing with stickers all over her chest and cords coming out. Not really the way you want to spend time with your 2 day old. They spotted the hole and called it VSD. A ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a hole between the right and left pumping chambers of the heart. They told us the hole was in the best possible place it could be not affecting anything. We had peace the whole time because we just knew God had her in His hands. We just thanked Him for that news and thanked Him for healing her little body. From day one Nic constructed this beautiful prayer that we have always spoken over the girls:

The love of God is shed abroad in Gracie's heart by the holy spirit. God will never leave her or forsake her. God is her Father and she is His daughter. As a daughter in His kingdom she is taking her place and acting her part. What God said she is-we declare she is!
By His stripes-Gracie is healed! She can do all things through Christ who strengthens her. We declare these things are forever settled in heaven! They are settled in our hearts and in hers.

She has had a couple follow up appointments but today was her last. YES-her absolute last appointment with a cardiologist because the doctor, and I quote in his own words "declared VICTORY today!"
Isn't that awesome? God had that whole thing sealed up from day one with me. This is like the first huge thing in my life that I can honestly say that I really gave him TOTAL control of. I know that is why He gave me that peace immediately!
As we were walking out of the hospital today Gracie said "thank you Jesus for healing my heart!" I love it!
Here is her sweet little grown up self sitting on the table. I had to snap a couple of pictures.


Ashley Reale said...


Chris and Rebecca said...

We are rejoicing with you guys...what a great example of how great our God is! Thank you for sharing your hearts.

Jen said...

What an awesome testimony! I love the crafted prayer you have declared over Gracie since Day 1 -- such power in the spoken word!

And Gracie, out of the mouth of babes sweet girl. You are right, Jesus healed your heart!


Becky said...

This brings tears to my eyes! This is such a testimony to the POWER of parents praying over their children. It was settled in your mind on her birthday, and that was it!

We serve a good, good God! Gracie, you are a precious gift!

Giving Love Encounters said...

Victory indeed!
God is good.

KTEAM said...

That is amazing. I love seeing how children have such huge faith! Congrats on your healing little Gracie