So here he is in all his glory and I am oh so proud again(can you tell the sarcasm in my bloggity blog blog voice?)
Nic has been off to the wild on a little duck/goose hunting adventure and he is so happy with his treasures here. Those of you who know him-can you even imagine all the stories I heard after his day in the wild? Just can you EVEN IMAGINE?
Gracie and Shiloh were pumped to see daddy's find but I really don't think they got it-which is just fine with me. Gracie kept asking why they weren't quacking. I just dismissed and we moved right along. We eat meat every day but I guess we can just wait to talk about that one!!
So I am not really into eating duck-I wish he could have brought me home some cow or chicken or something but I smiled politely and patted him on the back(side)!
Great job buddy-way to bring those birds in!
He is off finding some great recipe to mix his kill up with right now I am sure as I am typing. He's all in his element-you know-in "man-ville" and feeling like he has just defended my honor. I want you all to know that I hear that one all the time. He has to go out and defend my honor. Well defend it he did-I am sure duck and goose feathers are still in the garage to prove it. You see-cleaning his work area after plucking the feathers does not fit that whole manly element thing!!
CHECK OUT THAT WINGSPAN!(I know-sarcasm again-I am trying)
*Just a side note here-Nic and his buddy, as well as my pops laid out in layout blinds in the frigid temperatures for 6 plus hours. Layout blinds are really just laying out in an open field covering yourself with field materials. Nic has some crazy contraption covered in husks and other various earthy materials. He laid there all flippin day for those little fellows in his hand. No-I just can't get it either-I know that is what you all are thinking!
To each their own!
Way to go Nic!
I love that Gracie was wondering why they weren't quacking! LOL!!!
You make us all so proud Nic!
Those pictures bring back memories of dad and his duck hunting adventures! So did Nic cook it?
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