Monday, May 18, 2009

The Meat

Nic and I are back on a co-ed softball team. No longer are we called Balls and Dolls, we now play for THE MEAT. Nic collaborated with the team leader on this concept and is quite proud of himself. Our team shirt has a large steak across our chest and we each have a different meat name. Pot Roast, fish stick, the great hambino, tenderloin, baby back, Ike burger, Pete Roast, and nugget to name a few. Nic's meat name is "Raw"(so typical), and I am Kickin' wing. We have quite a good time every Friday night. The girls went with us last Friday night and cheered their little hearts out. Nic is always the MVP-just don't mention it to him, and I always make some goofy play that everyone wonders how I made. I would love to have myself on tape so I could add commetnary about what is going through my head. Yeah-well I don't really have time for that one but you get where I am going.
So here is our team shirt pictures complete with Meat names.

Last Firday was a bit of an injury night for the old kickin' wing but no worries-I am still going strong. After one solid catch out in right field I was feeling mighty confident. With that confidence I went out after another fly ball and tipped it barely with my glove. With full force behind it, the ball slammed into my right thigh. I squeezed my legs together trying to make the catch but it still bobbled away. All I was left with was a crazy muscle spasm and a lovely bruise. This picture can't even do it justice.
But hey-I was raised that bruises, and scars are character builders. I will cherish this memory!(I just hope the large knot under the bruise eventually fades away)


Giving Love Encounters said...

This is hysterical!!!

Go Kickin' Wing!

Rachel said...

Nic is SUCH A GOOFBALL!!! lol :) This is so funny :)