Friday, August 29, 2008

He's already in there!

Kids are so cool-especially mine! Whenever Gracie and Shiloh get hurt or are sick-we pray. We ask God to help them, heal them, take the pain away. It is so cool when they start doing something on their own that you have been working hard to teach them. I mean just really cool when you are in Target and Gracie stubs her little toe on one of the aisle endcaps and starts screaming and crying being overly dramatic and proceeds to scream that she needs me right away to pray. I know it is still cool but somebody probably would have needed to tell me how cool it was as it was happening. Slightly embarrassing to pray for a stubbed toe but I do want them to know that God does care about the little things too. So I prayed for the stubbed toe in Target! Anyways, the other day I caught something in my throat and was coughing and choking a bit, nothing too serious-kind of like the stubbed toe, but still sounding like I was hacking up a lung. Gracie was sitting there with me and she calls out loud to me like I can't hear her just because I am hacking or something. She screams out "Mommy, Do YOU NEED JESUS?" Of course I told her yes so she came over closer put her little hand on me and prayed for me. She asked Jesus to help her mommy feel better. YES! I loved every minute of it. She then went on to ask me again if I needed Jesus. I said yes I do still need Jesus. She then told me, as if she was done with the whole transaction,
"Mommy, He's already in THERE!"
Yes, baby, He is already in there. It is so simple, isn't it?
Why do we adults complicate everything so much.
Of course Jesus is already living in there. Why don't we just accept that he is working and moving in our lives constantly. I need Him when I am hacking a lung-BAM-He's already in there!


Unknown said...

Love it! I know what you are talking about...When Nat was stung by that jelly fish, all she could say was thank you Jesus for my butt, take the the pain away. Then I had to pray and then Josh had to pray for it. It's awesome to have the faith of these little ladies!