Thursday, August 28, 2008


Well, Beijing came and went and the Smith household was awed by all of the fabulous athletes in the Olympics. I am sure Michael Phelps is now a household name for everyone but my girls, including my sweet little niece Natalie can not stop talking about him. I mean-I came home the other day and my mom had taken the girls on a walk down to the pond and they saw a bunch of ducks swimming around and Gracie told me all about the ducks flipping the feet like good old Michael Phelps. Natalie learned to swim and got over this crazy fear of the water with the help of Michael Phelps and his gold medal swimming!! Anyways-back to gymnastics. The girls were in awe of those little gymnasts flipping around and mama decided it was time to fork over the cash and sign Gracie up. I went over to Midwest gymnastics by the Sports Ohio Complex because we are familiar with the owner there and proceded to sign Gracie up for a 10 week class. I figured that if the Chinese can start their girls at 3 in the gym, why can't we? Well as you can see in the pictures below-I am going to one up the Chinese because I have been suckered into signing little 16 month old Shiloh up. Aren't those shirts great? Lets hope so! 250 bucks later! We are all smiles!! I will post some pictures of their lessons later. Somebody should take my picture running around that gym with Shiloh. Sweaty back definitely (SWACK)! If you haven't heard that-a great friend just recently taught me about combining sweaty terms. You know like sweaty back is swack, sweaty legs=swegs, sweaty pits = swits. You get it right? I am sure you will all use that soon. So silly I know!! I definitely deserve a gold medal for my efforts in this arena!!