Monday, June 22, 2009

I got hit on by a teenager...

I was walking into Kroger to pick up a few groceries-child free-yesterday and the funniet thing happened to me-I got hit on by a Kroger working teenager!!
The kid seriously looked 13 and I know he is super young because he doesn't even scan the groceries-he is just a bagger!
I walked into the door to be greeted by "hey gurrrl, you are looking good tuhday"(the flat iron job was pretty stellar but really nothing fancy)
I returned with a little chuckle-what was I supposed to say?
He then proceeded with "gurrrl, what is yo name?" as I was politely trying to get my cart out.
I then returned with belly laughter. He then took that as rude and said "why you not gonna give me yo name?"
Trying to keep the laughter under control I replied with a bit of a swagger, "honey, I am a married woman with 2 little babies at home!"
All I heard as I turned to leave was "WHHHHHAAAAAAAT?"
Priceless-as I am just a week away from my 29th b-day I got hit on by a teenager!
Nic best be stepping up that game!


KTEAM said...

I LOVE that! That is awesome and good for you. Also, how do you not laugh at such an original pick up line?

Ashley Reale said...


Jen said...

Toooooo funny! And he is right. You are so fine gurrrrrl. ;)

Giving Love Encounters said...

You go girl. We all know you still got it goin' on!